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2.1As referred to in paragraph 1.3, this DPD has not been prepared in isolation; it has been necessary to ensure that it is in general conformity with a number of strategic policy documents. General conformity issues are addressed in this section of the DPD. Where it is possible to relate detailed policy matters to specific sites and matters, these have been addressed in the appropriate part of the DPD.



2.2 All other development plan documents (DPDs) that comprise the Local Development Framework (LDF) must be in conformity with the Core Strategy. The Core Strategy sets the spatial vision for the town for the period to 2023, and the core strategic policies required to realise this vision. As part of this, a number of development priorities have been identified. These are:

  1. Greater Middlehaven;
  2. Greater Hemlington;
  3. Older Inner Middlesbrough Housing Area; and
  4. Grove Hill.
  1. as the principal retail centre of the Tees Valley city region; and
  2. in combination with Stockton town centre as the principal centre within the Tees Valley city region for cultural, leisure and civic administration activities.

2.3            Relevant policies of the Core Strategy are referred to at the appropriate points within this DPD.



2.4       The RSS forms part of the statutory development plan. The principal matters identified within the RSS that need to be addressed through this DPD are identified below.

2.5       Policy 6 introduces the concept of the Tees Valley city region, which is developed further in policy 10. It is this policy which shapes the development of the city region and the role of Middlesbrough within it. The principal requirements of this policy include:

2.6       Policy 29 identifies the number of dwellings that are to be provided in Middlesbrough during the RSS period, and policy 18 the amount of employment land. Middlehaven is identified as a regional brownfield mixed use location (policy 13).

2.7       The RSS contains other relevant policies. These are referred to in the appropriate part of this DPD.



2.8       The LDF has to have regard to the contents and policies of the Community Strategy. This relationship will be one of the tests of soundness against which the Regeneration DPD will be assessed. The Community Strategy has six themes. The principal implications of these for the preparation of this DPD are summarised in Table 2.1 below.

2.9       Where the Community Strategy contains more detailed priorities and actions relevant to the preparation of this DPD, they are referred to at the appropriate locations.

Children and learning • designation of land required for educational facilities.
Promoting healthier communities • provision of a range of quality housing; and
• protect/enhance sports facilities.
Creating safer and stronger communities • planning out crime through design.
Transforming our local environment • Protection and enhancement of open space and nature conservation habitats; and
• environmental improvement.
Meeting local transport needs more efficiently • Prioritise the pedestrian/cyclist in new  development; and
• ensure new development is accessible by sustainable transport.
Promoting the economic vitality of Middlesbrough • allocation of a range of employment and mixed use sites;
• maintain vitality of town, district and local centres;
• delivery of key regeneration sites; and
• housing market renewal.

Table 2.1  Implications of the Community Strategy Themes for the Preparation of the LDF



2.10     There are numerous other strategies and plans that need to be referred to in the preparation of this DPD at a national, regional, sub-regional and local level. This DPD will be in general conformity with the majority of these through being in conformity with both the Core Strategy and RSS. These two documents should reflect the strategic and spatial requirements of these other strategies and plans. The Regeneration DPD will need to take forward any site-specific proposals or issues arising out of these strategies and plans.

2.11     As the matters raised in these other strategies and plans tend to be site-specific they will be covered at the appropriate locations within this DPD. Examples of such strategies and plans include:

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