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6.1This section deals with the site-specific policies for delivering a competitive business infrastructure. It identifies the sites that are needed to bring forward land and premises to support the retention and expansion of existing businesses, promote enterprise and attract inward investment. Policies dealing with site-specific issues within the town centre, Greater Middlehaven and Greater Hemlington are dealt with elsewhere within this DPD.



LDF Core Strategy

6.2       The policies in this section detail how those of the Core Strategy dealing with site-specific business issues will be taken forward. Relevant Core Strategy policies include:


Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)

6.3       Policy 18 identifies a requirement for 185 hectares of land for employment purposes in Middlesbrough for the period 2004 to 2021.

6.4       Policy 10 identifies the development priorities for the Tees Valley city region.

Middlesbrough Community Strategy

6.5       The Community Strategy identifies site-specific business/employment based priorities. These include:

  1. establishing an environment that encourages and supports economic vitality and quality of life, including delivering the major regeneration scheme at Middlehaven and continuing the environmental, management and business improvements to strengthen the role of the town centre; and
  2. playing a strong role in the sub-region and region through implementation of the Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative.

As well as site-specific employment or job creation opportunities, the Community Strategy seeks to boost employment through the creation of new opportunities to meet the needs of the population. This can be translated into the LDF through ensuring that new developments and site allocations include the types of opportunities and schemes that meet employment and training needs.

Other relevant strategies

Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative (SMi)

6.6       The overall aim of the SMi is to create and develop a Tees Valley city region – one that will be more competitive than Stockton and Middlesbrough acting separately – and one which will aim to perform at the national average rate of economic performance within a 20-year period and deliver a city region as competitive as the best in the Northern Way area. This will be achieved by:

Regional Economic Strategy

6.7       The principal implications of the strategy for this DPD are:



6.8       The sustainability appraisal recognised that the policies of this section are likely to have a major beneficial effect in terms of meeting the economic and social sustainability objectives. Development on Riverside Park has the potential, however, to impact upon the floodplain. It is important that policies and proposals reflect these concerns to minimise potential impacts.



6.9       The provisions of the RSS identify a need for Middlesbrough to accommodate 185 hectares of land for employment uses between 2004 and 2021. Between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2007, 5 hectares of land was developed, reducing the employment requirement to 180 hectares.

6.10     In total, 180 hectares of land have been identified for employment purposes in this plan. The figures include 9.35 hectares for the development of South West Ironmasters, this represents approximately 50% of the total site area to allow for the significant amount of open space that will be required as part of any development proposal (policy REG14 refers). This figure should be seen as a guide and not a maximum. The appropriate level of development will be determined through a design led solution.


Land is allocated for employment uses in the following locations and as identified on the proposals map:


1    Riverside Park (including SW Ironmasters) 34.58 ha
2    East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate 4.88 ha
3    Lawson Industrial Estate 0.33 ha
4    Cargo Fleet 16.89 ha
5    Letitia 0.16 ha
6    Coulby Newham 0.46 ha
7    Hemlington Grange 15.00 ha
8    Town Centre 8.00 ha
Sub total 80.30 ha
9    Middlehaven (excluding Cargo Fleet land – see above) 100.00 ha
Sub total 100.00 ha
Total 180.30 ha




6.11            Riverside Park is already very successfully established as a high quality, mainly light industrial area with a significant research and development element. The intention is to continue this approach and to encourage continual quality investment to help broaden the local employment base.

South West Ironmasters

6.12            Developing the South West Ironmasters site as a landmark location will give a new and vibrant face to Riverside Park and set the standard for future development. This is an ideal location for a landmark building. This will also form part of the western gateway into Middlesbrough linking Riverside Park with the town centre and also forming a key nodal point within the Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative area.


Planning permission will be granted for the development of uses in use classes B1, B2 and B8, provided that the proposed development has no significant detrimental impact upon the amenities or activities of neighbouring properties, provided that in all cases:



a high standard of building design and finish is achieved including the provision of landmark buildings at gateway locations;


development at the interface with Greater Middlehaven is of a high quality that reflects the scale, design, and vision of the Greater Middlehaven development. Proposals that would have an adverse impact upon the delivery of the Greater Middlehaven scheme will not be permitted;


use of the river frontage is maximised including the incorporation of public access along its length and pedestrian linkages within Riverside Park;


the layout is of medium density in a landscaped setting, incorporating Biodiversity Action Plan habitats where practicable and seeks to integrate habitats with the strategic green infrastructure network;


car parking areas incorporate good-quality landscaping, are secure, and attractively designed;


outdoor storage areas are effectively screened; and


use of the river frontage is maximised without affecting the hydrology of the River Tees and its floodplain and, where practicable seek to integrate habitats with the strategic green infrastructure network. Opportunities to maintain and enhance biodiversity habitats are identified and taken. This should include ensuring that development does not result in damage to the biodiversity that is dependent upon the River Tees, including the interest features of the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area (SPA).


Further guidance on the implementation of this policy will be provided in the Riverside Park Supplementary Planning Document.



For this area, as identified on the proposals map, planning permission will be granted for the following uses:

Provided that in all cases:



development is set in a high quality landscape setting maximising the use of open space;


development is of a high sustainable quality, and provides landmark buildings appropriate to a gateway location;


provision of a further Tees crossing and direct access from the A66 into Riverside Park is not prejudiced;


substantial areas of open space are incorporated into any development scheme;


the industrial heritage of the site is protected;


use of the river frontage is maximised without affecting the hydrology of the River Tees and its floodplain and, where practicable seek to integrate habitats with the strategic green infrastructure network. Opportunities to maintain and enhance biodiversity habitats are identified and taken;


suitable highway access is provided to the site;


public access to the river frontage within an appropriate high quality landscaped belt is incorporated along the length of the river frontage;


the setting of the Newport Bridge is enhanced; and


pedestrian and cycle networks are provided to link the site with the wider Riverside Park and town centre areas.


Further guidance on the implementation of this policy will be provided in the Riverside Park Supplementary Planning Document.


Enterprise centre

6.13   The apex of Riverside Park is another site which at present is under-utilised. This is a strategic point within the industrial estate. This site is earmarked for the development of an enterprise centre to assist with attracting inward investment. The existing Teessaurus Park has a distinctive character, which needs to be considered with the proposals for adjoining new developments.


Planning permission will be granted for an enterprise centre including the following uses:

Provided that in all cases:



use of the river frontage is maximised without affecting the hydrology of the Tees and its floodplain and, where practicable seek to integrate habitats with the strategic green infrastructure network. Opportunities to maintain and enhance biodiversity habitats are identified and taken;


development is of a high sustainable quality, and provides landmark buildings appropriate to a gateway location;


public access to the river frontage is incorporated along its length;


Teessaurus Park is protected and enhanced;


pedestrian and cycle networks are provided to link the site with the wider Riverside Park area; and


any ancillary retail does not exceed a total floorspace of 200 sq.m.



6.14            Middlesbrough Council has secured funding in order to assist with the regeneration of the East Middlesbrough Business Action Zone (EMBAZ) in order to make it a more attractive business location, incorporating the following areas:

6.15     EMBAZ is being developed in line with the adjoining Middlehaven and Trinity Crescent projects in Middlesbrough and will contribute to the wider Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative. The project will also bring Middlesbrough Council and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council together, to include the Skippers Lane Industrial Estate within the improvements and also link the project with the South Tees Strategy (Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council).

6.16     The project aims to enhance the profile of the East Middlesbrough Industrial Area by:

East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate

6.17     After Riverside Park, East Middlesbrough is the largest industrial estate within the town, and provides an important source of employment for the East Middlesbrough and wider area. It is largely privately owned, accommodating a range of manufacturing, light industry and textile businesses. It benefits from strong links to the strategic transport network, in particular the A66.

6.18     The estate suffers from a high rate of vandalism, a number of visually intrusive buildings, and extensive areas of parking and servicing that all contribute to an overall low environmental quality. There are, however, a number of opportunities arising out of these apparent weaknesses. Potential exists for an anchor development adjacent to the Cargo Fleet Lane/South Bank Road roundabout junction, environmental improvements throughout the estate, and the opportunity to develop site branding and new gateway features.

Lawson Industrial Estate

6.19            Lawson Industrial Estate is located just to the west of the East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate. It is situated between Cargo Fleet Lane and the residential area of North Ormesby. Office accommodation, building supplies and car dealerships are located around the edge of the estate taking advantage of shop-front sites along the major routes. The rest of the estate is predominantly warehousing, storage, scrap dealers and small start-up units. Like its larger counterpart, the East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate, it suffers from a low environmental quality.

6.20     There is scope and opportunity to improve the overall quality of the estate. Linkages, and the interface with the neighbouring residential areas, are important elements in uplifting the overall quality of the area.


Within the EMBAZ identified on the proposals map planning permission will be granted for B1, B2, and B8 uses, provided that:


development at the interface with Greater Middlehaven is of a high quality that reflects the scale, design, and vision of the Greater Middlehaven development. Proposals that would have an adverse impact upon the delivery of the Greater Middlehaven scheme will not be permitted;


development fronting onto the A66 is of a high quality design appropriate to a strategic route into the town centre;


building facades are improved and site boundaries are replaced/enhanced to renovate and enhance key buildings and edges of development throughout the estate;


an integrated and co-ordinated package of environmental improvements is incorporated into development proposals. This package should include footpath and highway resurfacing, replacement of grass verges with more appropriate treatments, lighting, signage, seating and bollards throughout the estate;


buildings in gateway locations are of an appropriate high quality design;


secondary gateways are created within the East Middlesbrough and Lawson industrial estates to provide new landmarks and improve security; and


opportunities to maintain and enhance biodiversity in waterfront settings are identified and taken. This should include ensuring that development does not result in damage to the biodiversity that is dependent upon the River Tees, including the interest features of the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast SPA.


Other forms of development will only be permitted where there is a specific policy allocating a site for a particular use or mix of uses.


Further guidance on the implementation of this policy will be provided in the Middlehaven to Wilton Supplementary Planning Document.


Green Blue Heart

6.21     The SMi represents the city core of the wider Tees Valley city region. The initiative has evolved from the Tees Valley Vision as one of four strategic opportunities for the sub-region. This envisages the SMi as a rejuvenated urban core at the heart of the Tees Valley, acting as a driver for sub-regional and regional regeneration. It is a 20-year vision for the urban core of the Tees Valley primarily focused on an urban zone encompassing the conurbations of the two towns of Stockton and Middlesbrough and the River Tees corridor that joins them. This vision is to create a city-scale environment at the heart of the Tees Valley that will radically transform the environment, economy and image of the place. It will deliver an ambitious regeneration programme that is of sufficient scale and ambition to become one of the most significant regeneration projects in the UK, to the benefit of all in the Tees Valley city region and beyond. A masterplan has been prepared jointly between Middlesbrough and Stockton Councils. This will inform the development of the policy framework for the regeneration of the area. Much of the development is envisaged to occur towards the end of and beyond the plan period. It is important however to put in place a policy framework now that will ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to deliver the necessary development, and to protect the area from inappropriate developments that could prejudice implementation of the long term proposals.


Within the Green Blue Heart, as identified on the proposals map, a comprehensive approach to remediation and improvement to infrastructure will be required to facilitate opportunities for development during and beyond the plan period. Particular consideration will be given to the delivery of:


high quality urban landscape providing a gateway to the urban core of the Tees Valley city region;


a transport interchange;


new sport, leisure and recreation uses; and


a high quality service environment.


Proposals should demonstrate how they will assist in the achievement and delivery of the aims and objectives of the Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative as expressed in the Core Strategy spatial vision, objectives, and policies CS1 and CS21. Development proposals include 100 residential units (see policy REG18) in the period 2021 to 2023.


Where practicable seek to integrate habitats with the strategic green infrastructure network and ensure beneficial biodiversity features are incorporated into the design of proposals. This should include ensuring that development does not result in damage to the biodiversity that is dependent upon the River Tees, including the interest features of the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast SPA. Use of the river frontage should be maximised without affecting the hydrology of the River Tees and its floodplain.


Planning permission will not be granted for development proposals that will prejudice the implementation of the Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative.


Further detail on the implementation of the Stockton-Middlesbrough Initiative will be contained in a Green Blue Heart Supplementary Planning Document.

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