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Implementation and Monitoring
Implementation and monitoring is an integral aspect of planning. This chapter explains how this DPD will be implemented and monitored.
Implementation of the DPD policies is dependent not only on the actions of the Council but also in many cases other agencies as well. The Council’s actions fall broadly into three main areas:
promoting development either on its own land or other land (e.g. housing through Policy HO1 (a)),
achieving environmental, social or economic objectives through the application of criteria based policies when determining planning applications (e.g. design of new development through Policy EN1),
working with other agencies to achieve objectives (e.g. flood management measures through Policy LO1) and through related strategies including the Council’s Community Plan.
The implementation and monitoring framework (Table 4) identifies the main delivery agencies for each policy of the DPD. In addition this document generally identifies other relevant strategies through which issues may also be dealt with.
Monitoring of the policies is essential to see the extent to which they are delivering the intended vision and objectives of this DPD. Monitoring can indicate where further action may be required, particularly where implementation is dependent on joint working or specific promotion.
Managing the delivery of regional housing provision is given particular weight in government guidance and in Policy H2 of the draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the South East. Spelthorne is located in an area of high housing demand where there is a buoyant market and the development industry is actively bringing forward housing development. There are no significant infrastructure issues which would generally affect the phasing of housing provision. Paragraphs 6.10 to 6.18 and Policies HO1 and HO2 give a particular focus on the delivery of housing and the ways in which this will be achieved in the context of the local housing market.
The Council has prepared an Allocations DPD which includes nine proposals involving housing development. This represents a further proactive approach to delivery.
The Council’s Local Development Scheme includes the preparation of several Supplementary Planning Documents including further guidance on the application of the detailed policies relating to the control of development and affordable housing. A planning brief for the extension of the Elmsleigh Centre in Staines is also proposed. These will all assist appropriate housing delivery as well as, in the case of further design guidance, promoting good development generally. Other documents, including the Local List of Buildings and Structures of Architectural or Historic Interest, will be reviewed in due course and brought forward as SPDs as necessary.
The implementation and monitoring framework (Table 4) sets out targets and indicators for each of the policies in the Core Strategy and Policies DPD and also sets out the main delivery agencies to deliver the policy targets. The information monitored will be published each year in the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) as required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The framework follows government guidance on Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide published in March 2005.
There is a target for every policy. The guidance defines three types of targets:
Process targets – these monitor document preparation against the milestones in the LDS.
Policy targets – linked to output indicators which will provide a benchmark for measuring policy implementation – three types of Output Indicators are described below.
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) targets – linked to SA objectives and will form part of the SA Report.
For each policy indicators are also identified by which targets will be assessed. Indicators are in three categories:
Core Output Indicators (COIs) and Local Output Indicators – the main purpose of output indicators is to measure quantifiable physical activities that are directly related to, and are a consequence of, the implementation of planning policies. Local authorities are required to monitor a set of LDF core output indicators and these are set out in the government guidance on Local Development Framework Monitoring. Local output indicators add to the pre-defined core output indicators and will monitor policies addressing other local issues.
Contextual – these provide baseline information on social, environmental and economic characteristics of local significance against which other output indicators can then be compared.
Significant effect indicators – these indicators are linked to the SA objectives and are presented as part of the SA report.
Most of the targets in the framework are policy targets but also include a few process targets where relevant. The indicators (output or contextual) are set out against each of the targets. SA targets and significant indicators are included in the SA Report and not in this DPD.
A timely review of the Core Strategy and Policies DPD will be undertaken if the strategy or the policies are no longer consistent with or reflect the detailed requirements of national policy. The need for a review will be identified through Annual Monitoring Reports and included in a future Local Development Scheme.
  Table 4 - Implementation and Monitoring Framework
Policy Ref Target Indicator (& type) Main delivery agencies
Strategic Policy SP1 – Location of Development Seek to achieve at least 95% of all new development on PDL local target COI BD2: Total amount of employment floorspace on PDL – by type.  COI H3:  New and converted dwellings on PDL Private developers,
RSLs and the Borough Council
Development not to have unacceptable flood risk COI E1: Number of planning permissions granted contrary to EA advice on flooding and water quality grounds Private developers, RSLs,
the Borough Council,
Environment Agency
Maintaining existing amount of employment development and increases in employment development accommodated within designated Employment Areas particularly Staines town centre COI BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace – by type.

COI BD2: Total amount of employment floorspace on PDL – by type.  COI BD3: Employment land available -  by type

Losses of employment land in Employment Areas and Local authority area

COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’
Private developers,
the Borough Council
Poorly sited uses in residential areas redeveloped for residential use Amount of employment land lost to residential development Private developers,
the Borough Council
Residential development to be within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, employment and a major health centre Accessibility of residential development from public transport Private developers,
RSLs and the Borough Council
100% of new retail development to be located within existing town centres COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’ Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy LO1 – Flooding Implications of Development To follow a sequential approach to flood risk in locating new development as set out in PPS25 COI E1: Number of planning permissions granted contrary to EA advice on flooding and water quality grounds The Borough Council,
Environment Agency
Support comprehensive flood risk management measures within the Borough Implementation of flood risk management schemes/measures (local output indicator) Environment Agency
Reduce the risk of flooding
  1. New developments of qualifying size (see policy) with SUDS installedb)
  2. Net gain in flood storage capacity
The Borough Council,
Environment Agency
Strategic Policy SP2 –Housing Provision To provide an average of at least 166 dwellings per annum in the period 2006 to 2026 COIs 
H1: Plan period and housing targets
H2 (a): Net additional dwellings – in previous years
H2 (b):Net additional dwellings - for the reporting year
H2 (c): Net additional dwellings – in future years
H2 (d): Managed delivery target
Private developers,
the Borough Council
40% of the total housing provision is affordable COI H5: Gross affordable housing completions

Net affordable housing completions

Number of people on the housing register as a measure of the extent to which housing need is being met
Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy HO1 – Providing for New Housing Development Production of Allocations DPDs in line with the LDS (Process) Allocations DPDs The Borough Council
Seek to achieve development of  identified housing allocations Planning permissions granted for ‘allocation’ sites Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy HO2 – Contingency for Meeting Housing Provision Provision of at least 166 dwellings per annum in the period 2006 to 2026 COIs
H1: Plan period and housing targets
H2 (a): Net additional dwellings – in previous years
H2 (b): Net additional dwellings - for the reporting year
H2 (c): Net additional dwellings – in future years
H2 (d): Managed delivery target
The Borough Council
Policy HO3 – Affordable Housing 40% of the total housing provision is affordable COI H5: Gross affordable housing completions Private developers,
the Borough Council
Provision of intermediate units in any scheme not exceeding 35% of the proportion of affordable housing Affordable housing completions by tenure (local output indicator) – linked to COI H5 Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy HO4 – Housing Size and Type To achieve 80% one and two bed units in schemes proposing 4 or more dwellings Percentage of one and two bed units in schemes comprising 4 or more dwellings (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
To provide 400 extra care units between 2006 and 2026 Completions of extra care units per annum (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
A proportion of dwellings to meet the needs of people with disabilities Provision of disabled access to new homes and other design elements to meet the needs of people with disabilities (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy HO5 –Density of Housing Development Achieve overall average density of 40dph on all completions Percentage of new dwellings completed at (<30dph, 30-50dph and >50dph) Private developers,
the Borough Council
The density of any residential scheme should be a minimum of 35 dwellings per hectare Density of residential development (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy HO6 – Sites for Gypsies and Travellers No loss of existing authorised sites used by Gypsies and Travellers during the DPD period CO1 H4: Net additional pitches (Gypsy and Travellers)

Number of Gypsy and Traveller sites (local output indicator)
The Borough Council
Policy HO7 – Sites for Travelling Showpeople No loss of existing authorised sites for travelling showpeople during the DPD period

Number of travelling showpeople sites (local output indicator)


The Borough Council
Strategic Policy SP3 – Economy and Employment Land Provision To maintain the total amount of employment floorspace in the Borough COI BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace  - by type Private developers,
the Borough Council
  COIs BD2: Total of employment floorspace on previously developed land – by type
BD3: Employment land available – by type
BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’

Net change in the total employment floorspace in the Borough (local output indicator)
Private developers,
the Borough Council
  Proportion of 16-19 year olds with Level 2 qualifications (5 GCSEs A*-C or NVQ equivalent) (contextual) Surrey County Council,
Borough Council 
  Percentage of working age population qualified to NVQ Level 3 or above (contextual) Surrey County Council,
Borough Council,
Learning and Skills Council
Increase in the number of adults with level two basic skills Number of learners achieving level 2 basic skills (contextual)Number of learners on basic skills courses (contextual) Surrey County Council,
Borough Council,
Learning and Skills Council
Expand vocational options for 14-19 year olds at Spelthorne schools/colleges Percentage increase in vocational training opportunities/places in Borough (contextual) Surrey County Council,
Borough Council, 
Learning and Skills Council
  Unemployment – Claimant Counts (contextual) Surrey County Council,
Borough Council
  Commercial Vacancy (contextual) The Borough Council
Policy EM1 –Employment Development To maintain the total amount of employment floorspace in the Borough

COI BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace  - by type

COIs BD2: Total of employment floorspace on previously developed land – by type
BD3: Employment land available – by type
BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses

’Net change in the total employment floorspace in the Borough (local output indicator)

Private developers,
the Borough Council
No net loss of employment land or floorspace in the Employment Areas COIs BD2: Total of employment floorspace on previously developed land – by type
BD3: Employment land available – by type
BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’
Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy EM2 – Employment Development on Other Land   Amount of employment development not within designated Employment Areas (linked to COI  BD1 above) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Strategic Policy SP4 – Town Centres and Retail Development 100% of new retail development should be located within town and local centres COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’ Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy TC1 – Staines TownCentre Make provision for 32,000m2 of retail development in Staines town centre during the plan period COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’ Private developers,
the Borough Council
Encourage sustainable forms of transport in Staines town centre Percentage of completed non-residential developments complying with car parking standards on key facilitiesPercentage of new residential development within 30 min public transport time Private developers,
the Borough Council
Increase the footfall in Staines town centre Annual Pedestrian Survey (contextual) Retailers,
Survey by the Borough Council
Policy TC2 – Staines Town Centre Shopping Frontage No loss of retail within primary shopping areas of Staines Town Centre

BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’

Loss of retail within primary shopping areas of Staines town centre (local output indicator)

Private developers,
the Borough Council
No more than five out of nine consecutive units within the secondary shopping area of Staines town centre are in non-retail use as a result of the proposal Changes of use within secondary shopping areas in Staines town centre (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy TC3 –Development in Ashford, Shepperton and Sunbury Cross Centres No more than two out of nine consecutive units within the secondary shopping area of Staines town centre are in non-retail use as a result of the proposal Changes of use within Ashford, Shepperton and Sunbury Cross (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy TC4 – Local Shopping Centres and Parades No more than four out of nine consecutive units are in non-retail useFor parades with less than nine units – no more than two units in total should be in non-retail use Changes of use within local shopping centres and parades (local output indicator) Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy TC5 – Proposals for Retail Development All new retail development should be within Staines, Ashford, Shepperton or Sunbury town centres COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’ Private developers,
the Borough Council
Strategic Policy SP5 – Meeting Community Needs Targets are set under detailed policies below    
Policy CO1 – Providing Community Facilities To ensure community facilities are provided to meet local needs

Community facilities granted or lost (local output indicator)

COI BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’

The Borough Council,
Surrey County Council,
Policy CO2 – Provision of Infrastructure for New Development Require developers to provide or contribute in a timely way to the cost of infrastructure, where required, as a result of proposed development Whether the development provided or contributed in a timely way to the cost of infrastructure required Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy CO3 – Provision of Open Space for New Development Provide a minimum of 0.1ha (increased proportionally according to scheme size) of open space in housing developments of 30 family dwellings Area of open space provision in schemes of 30+ family dwellings Private developers,
the Borough Council
Strategic Policy SP6 – Maintaining and Improving the Environment Targets are set under detailed policies below    
Policy EN1 – Design of New Development Achieve high standard in design and layout of new development

Percentage of applications refused as not being in accordance with the policy

COI H7: Housing Quality – Building for Life Assessments Design

Private developers,
the Borough Council
Policy EN2 – Replacement and Extension of Dwellings in the Green Belt including Plotland Areas To ensure the replacement and extension of properties is consistent with the Green Belt and is appropriate to the setting of the River Thames Percentage of applications refused as not being in accordance with the policy The Borough Council,
Policy EN3 – Air Quality Reduce NO2 levels to below 40ug/m3 at monitored sites Number of monitored sites exceeding the annual air quality objective for nitrogen dioxide (40ug/m3) The Borough Council,
Surrey County Council,
Highways Agency
Policy EN4 – Provision of Open Space and Sport and Recreation Facilities

To maintain existing amount of public open space


Maintain and improve the quality of open space

Net change in amount of public open space

Future updates of Open Space Study (PPG17)

Amount of eligible open spaces managed to a Green Flag award standard

The Borough Council,


The Borough Council

Policy EN5 – Buildings of Architectural or Historic Interest Preserve listed buildings Grade II and II* buildings on English Heritage Risk Register (contextual) The Borough Council,
English Heritage
Policy EN6 – Conservation Areas, Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens Review Conservation Area Enhancement Plans in accordance with the LDS Publication of the Conservation Area Enhancement Plans The Borough Council
Policy EN7 – Tree Protection To promote TPOs when  required Number of TPOs made in a year (contextual) The Borough Council
Policy EN8 – Protecting and Improving the Landscape and Biodiversity Protect and improve the landscape of the Borough

Implementation of projects to enhance the landscape and create and improve habitats (local output indicator)

Change in priority habitats and species (by type)
COI E2: Change in areas of biodiversity importance

The Borough Council,
partners in public,
private and voluntary sectors
Policy EN9 –River Thames and its Tributaries Use development proposals as an opportunity to enhance the setting of the river Thames and its tributaries Percentage of applications refused as not being in accordance with the policy Developers, RSLs,
The Borough Council
Policy EN10 – Recreational use of the River Thames Safeguard facilities which support the recreational use of the River Thames Net change in riverside facilities Developers,
The Borough Council
Policy EN11 – Development and Noise Minimise the adverse impact of noiseNo new dwellings should be permitted within the 66Leq noise contour

Number of developments where sound attenuation measures were required and met

Net additional dwellings permitted within 66Leq noise contour (local output indicator)

The Borough Council
Policy EN12 – Noise from Heathrow Airport Reduce the area of the Borough affected by the 66Leq noise contour Extent of the 66Leq noise contour (contextual) BAA, DfT,
The Borough Council
Policy EN13 – Light Pollution Reduce light pollution Schemes where a reduction in light pollution is secured  
Policy EN14 – Hazardous Development No increase in the numbers of people living, working and congregating in the public safety zone Net change in total number of people living, working and congregating in the public safety zone The Borough Council
Policy EN15 – Development on Land Affected by Contamination Reduce the number of potentially contaminated sites

Number of contaminated sites (BVPI 216a)

Number of sites remediated

The Borough Council, developers
Strategic Policy SP7 – Climate Change and  Transport Targets are set under detailed policies below    
Policy CC1 – Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation and Sustainable Construction On residential developments of one or more dwellings and other development involving new building or extensions exceeding 100m2 – provide at least 10% of the energy demand of the development from on-site renewable energy sources COI E3: Renewable energy  generation Developers, RSLs, The Borough Council, Thames Valley Energy
Support provision of renewable energy, energy efficiency and promote sustainable development Number of homes built to ‘Code for Sustainable Homes – 3 star’ or BREEAM ‘very good’ standards (local output indicator) Developers, RSLs, The Borough Council, Thames Valley Energy
Freestanding renewable energy schemes completed Kilowatt Capacity Developers, RSLs, The Borough Council, Thames Valley Energy
Policy CC2 – Sustainable Travel Encourage more sustainable travel patterns

Percentage of new residential development within 30 min public transport time of key facilities

Number of permissions accompanied by a site specific travel plan to promote and achieve sustainable travel choices (local output indicator)

Surrey County Council, The Borough Council, developers, RSLs

The Borough Council, developers, RSLs

Policy CC3 – Parking Provision Schemes to comply with the Council’s parking standards Percentage of completed non-residential developments complying with car parking standards set out in adopted Parking Standards Private developers, RSLs, the Borough Council
Policy CC4 –Non-Car Access to Heathrow and Airtrack Encourage accessibility of Heathrow from the Borough by non-car based modes Schemes which have improved non-car access to Heathrow Airtrack Consortium, BAA, The Borough Council, Surrey County Council
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