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Welcome to the online version of the Spelthorne Development Plan Documents (DPDs). The Core Strategy and Policies DPD, the Allocations DPD and the Proposals Map are all in a user-friendly interactive format.
  Proposals Map

Go to Map

The Proposals Map shown on this web site is an electronic version of the hard copy document which forms part of the Local Development Framework. This electronic version does not have any legal status but hard copies of the map are available from the Council (01784 451499).

Using the various tools provided on the map template you can select any area of the Plan and find information about the policies/proposals simply by clicking on your chosen site. Click on the icon to launch the map template.

  Core Strategy and Policies text document
Go to core strategy document

The Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) is part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and sets out the Council’s strategic and detailed policies. Click on the icon to launch the Core Strategy and Policies DPD.

  Allocations text document
Go to core strategy document

The Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) is part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and sets out specific sites which have been identified for particular land uses. Click on the icon to launch the Allocations DPD.

  Saved policies text document
Go to saved policies document This document sets out those policies and proposals in the Spelthorne Borough Local Plan 2001 that have been saved by virtue of a direction by the Secretary of State and which have not yet been replaced by any policies in an adopted DPD. Relevant background information is also included. Click on the icon to launch the saved policies document.


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