Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan

3 Key Issues and Drivers

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 The key issues and drivers in respect of Carmarthenshire and the LDP have been identified and consolidated through the following:

3.1.2 The issues identified within this chapter encapsulate those identified within the Preferred Strategy (November 2009), as further developed within the Topic Paper 1 – Issues, Vision and Objectives (June 2011). The formulation of the issues has allowed an appreciation of how national and regional issues, policies and strategies relate to the plan-making process and can contribute to the Plan and its deliverability.

3.1.3 They also contributed (in conjunction with the above) to identify and understand local issues and their role in plan making. Regard should be had to the evidence base for further detail, and notably Topic Paper 1 for the detailed identification of the issues and drivers. Reference should also be made to the Consultation Reports that detail the deliberations of the Key Stakeholder Forum. This information is available on the Council’s website.

3.2 Issues and Drivers

3.2.1 The following represents a refinement of the initial issues and drivers into 14 ‘headline issues’ all of which are underpinned by relevant commentary and are linked to the 16 National and Regional Issues and Drivers (NRID) and the 53 Local Issues and Drivers (LID). These 14 headline issues were prioritised through the Key Stakeholder Forum for inclusion within the LDP Vision, and have been used as headlines encompassing the Issues and Drivers.

A Suitable mix of housing
The LDP needs to be explicit about the role it will play in meeting the need for new homes. The Plan must be based on evidence in respect of the number and type of new homes required and it must demonstrate that it can deliver to meet this need. The Plan must also demonstrate a viable framework for making a contribution towards meeting the need for affordable homes without compromising the promotion of sustainable building standards within residential development.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 12, LID 3, LID 19, LID 20, LID 21.

Health and Recreation
The LDP needs to be explicit about the role it will play in contributing towards the reduction of obesity and other relevant deprivation indices. In order to tackle these issues, the Plan must show that it can protect (and wherever possible enhance) accessibility to facilities and services within rural and urban Carmarthenshire.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 32, LID 34, LID 35

The LDP needs to be explicit about the role it will play in contributing towards the reduction of accessibility poverty and social exclusion; a key component of which will be the promotion of a Settlement Strategy that distributes development in an accessible and sustainable manner that reflects the contrasting spatial characteristics of the County. The Plan will need to contain a policy framework that promotes equal opportunities within the planning system.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 33, LID 36, LID 37, LID 38, LID 39, LID 45, LID 53.

Attracting inward investment
The LDP needs to be clear about its role in attracting inward investment. The Plan must be based on evidence on the amount of employment land required and it must demonstrate that it can deliver to meet this need. The promotion of sustainable buildings standards on strategic sites is an important aspect in raising the quality and sustainability of non residential development.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 6, NRID 7, NRID 13, LID 23, LID 40, LID 46, LID 48.

Enough infrastructure for new development
The LDP needs to be clear about the role it will play in contributing towards the development of a sustainable, green and resilient economy. The Plan must show that it can facilitate the regeneration of brownfield sites, and will also need to demonstrate that it can address and/or mitigate against issues associated with developmental constraints such as the provision of suitable infrastructure or biodiversity issues.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 13, LID 41, LID 42

Joined up/Integration
The LDP needs to be explicit about the role it will play in helping to deliver regional and national priorities, including the Wales Spatial Plan and its various frameworks and action plans. The LDP will need to demonstrate cross border collaboration with neighbouring Authorities on a wide range of issues, including population/housing, minerals, waste, SA/SEA and the HRA.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 1, NRID 2, NRID 4, NRID 5, NRID 8, NRID 9, NRID 10, NRID 11.

Access to public transport
The LDP needs to be explicit about how it can contribute towards the promotion of sustainable transport within the County as part of an integrated transport strategy. The Plan will need to show how it intends to reduce the need for unnecessary car travel, and how it will promote initiatives such as travel plans and the use of sustainable transport modes.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 3, NRID 15, LID 11, LID 43, LID 44.

Providing Safe Environments
The LDP needs to be clear about how it can contribute towards tackling the perception of crime and instances of anti social behaviour. It must demonstrate how it will deliver high quality and inclusive standards of design so as to plan out crime and it must also show how it will facilitate the delivery of mixed and sustainable communities.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 50, LID 51, LID 52.

Good Quality Environment
The LDP needs be explicit about how it can contribute towards ensuring the protection and enhancement of the natural environment. The Plan must demonstrate that it will have no likely and significant effects on the County’s environment (e.g. landscapes, coastline, habitats, air quality and biodiversity). The LDP should protect the open countryside from inappropriate development.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 14, LID 1, LID 2, LID 18.

Green and Sustainable
The LDP needs be clear about how it can contribute towards reducing the County’s ecological footprint. It needs to help make communities resilient to future issues such as water management (including flooding and water supply/quality) and energy/food supply. As well as tackling climate change effects, the Plan will need to demonstrate that it can make a tangible contribution towards reducing the causes of climate change (e.g. promotion of sustainable building standards along with effective transport and waste management policies).
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 6, LID 9, LID 10, LID 12, LID 14, LID 15, LID 16, LID 22, LID 49.

The LDP will need to demonstrate how it can contribute towards protecting and where possible promoting the County’s local distinctiveness. It must ensure that the cultural and natural heritage of the County is maintained so as to safeguard the character of communities and maximise the tourism potential of the area. The LDP needs to demonstrate that it can manage the density, scale and location of development in an appropriate manner.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
NRID 16, LID 4, LID 5, LID 7, LID 8, LID 17, LID 47.

Access for all
The LDP needs to contribute towards supporting a culture of life long learning across Carmarthenshire. The Plan needs to demonstrate how it can contribute towards a reduction in accessibility poverty and social exclusion; a key component of which will be the promotion of a Settlement Strategy that distributes development in an accessible and sustainable manner that reflects the contrasting spatial characteristics of the County.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 27, LID 28, LID 29.

Community Facilities
The LDP needs contribute towards supporting the sustainability of community facilities. The Spatial Strategy & Settlement Hierarchy will need to demonstrate that rural and urban communities are given an appropriate proportion of development with a view to supporting community facilities within the County’s villages and towns. The LDP policy framework should be able to demonstrate that it can protect (and where possible enhance) existing facilities.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 26

The LDP needs to be explicit about how the Plan can contribute towards safeguarding the social fabric of communities. This will include developing an effective evidence base and subsequent policy framework in relation to the need to make a contribution towards ensuring the future wellbeing of the Welsh language. This Plan must acknowledge the shifting demographics in terms of the spatial distribution and age of Welsh speakers within the County. However, its role must be clearly understood as the mechanisms available for intervention within the planning system are limited.
National, Regional or Local Issue and Driver:
LID 24, LID 25, LID 30, LID 31

Table 1 - Issues and Drivers

3.2.2 More details on the development of the LDP Issues and Drivers can be found in the Key Stakeholder Forum consultation reports and the LDP Issues, Vision and Objectives Topic Paper – these are both available at


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