Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan

Policy Index

Strategic Policies

SP1 Sustainable Places and Spaces
SP2 Climate Change
SP3 Sustainable Distribution- Settlement Framework
SP4 Strategic Sites
SP5 Housing
SP6 Affordable Housing
SP7 Employment- Land Allocations
SP8 Retail
SP9 Transportation
SP10 Sustainable Mineral Development
SP11 Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
SP12 Waste Management
SP13 Protection and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment
SP14 Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment
SP15 Tourism and the Visitor Economy
SP16 Community Facilities
SP17 Infrastructure
SP18 The Welsh Language

Specific Policies

General Policies

GP1 Sustainability and High Quality Design
GP2 Development Limits
GP3 Planning Obligations
GP4 Infrastructure and New Development
GP5 Advertisements
GP6 Extensions


H1 Housing Allocations
H2 Housing within Development Limits
H3 Conversion or Subdivision of Existing Dwellings
H4 Replacement Dwellings
H5 Adaptation and Re-use of Rural Buildings for Residential Use
H6 Residential Care Facilities
H7 Gypsy and Traveller Sites
H8 Renovation of Derelict or Abandoned Dwellings
H9 Residential Caravans
H10 Home Working

Affordable Housing

AH1 Affordable Housing
AH2 Affordable Housing- Exceptions Sites
AH3 Affordable Housing- Minor Settlement in the Open Countryside

Economy and Employment

EMP1 Employment- Safeguarding of Employment Sites
EMP2 New Employment Proposals
EMP3 Employment- Extensions and Intensification
EMP4 Farm Diversification
EMP5 Mixed Use Sites


RT1 Retailing Hierarchy
RT2 Principal Centres (Growth Areas): Primary Retail Frontage
RT3 Principal Centres (Growth Areas): Secondary Retail Frontage
RT4 Principal Centres (Growth Areas): Town Centre Zone
RT5 Town Centres (Service Centres)
RT6 Town Centres (Service Centres) - Convenience Stores
RT7 District Centres (Local Service Centres)
RT8 Local Shops and Facilities
RT9 Regional Centres (Retail Parks)

Transport and Accessibility

TR1 Primary and Core Road Networks
TR2 Location of Development- Transport Considerations
TR3 Highways in Developments- Design Considerations
TR4 Cycling and Walking
TR5 Gwili Railway
TR6 Redundant Rail Corridors

Environmental Qualities- Built Environment

EQ1 Protection of Buildings, Landscapes and Features of Historic Importance
EQ2 Enabling Development

Environmental Qualities- Natural Environment

EQ3 Regional and Local Designations
EQ4 Biodiversity
EQ5 Corridors, Networks and Features of Distinctiveness
EQ6 Special Landscape Areas
EQ7 Development within the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG Area

Renewable energy

RE1 Large Scale Wind Power
RE2 Local, Community and Small Wind Farms
RE3 Non-Wind Renewable Energy Installations

Environmental Protection

EP1 Water Quality and Resources
EP2 Pollution
EP3 Sustainable Drainage
EP4 Coastal Management
EP5 Coastal Development
EP6 Unstable Land

Recreation and Leisure

REC1 Protection of Open Space
REC2 Open Space Provision and New Developments
REC3 Proposed New Open Space


TSM1 Static Caravan and Chalet Sites
TSM2 Touring Caravan and Tent Sites
TSM3 Small Scale Tourism Development in the Open Countryside
TSM4 Visitor Accommodation
TSM5 Major Tourism proposals in the Open Countryside


MPP1 Mineral Proposals
MPP2 Mineral Buffer Zones
MPP3 Mineral Safeguarding
MPP4 Coal Extraction Operations
MPP5 Aggregate Alternatives
MPP6 Restoration and Aftercare of Mineral Sites

Waste Management

WPP1 Nantycaws Waste Management Facility
WPP2 Waste Management Facilities outside Development Limits


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