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Chapter 8
8.1 Planning Policy Guidance Note 12: Development Plans (PPG12) emphasises the importance of monitoring the performance of local plans, reflecting the Government’s ‘plan, monitor and manage’ approach to land use planning. Although much of the advice in PPG12 has now been superseded by Planning Policy Statement 12: Local Development Frameworks (PPS12), PPG12 remains relevant to the Amber Valley Borough Local Plan Review, which has been prepared under the Town and Country Planning (Development Plan) (England) Regulations 1999.       
8.2 There is a need to monitor the Local Plan to measure its success or otherwise in meeting national, regional and strategic guidance and policies, and in contributing to delivering the strategic priorities of the Borough Council.
8.3 The Government’s commitment to ensuring Best Value in service delivery has led to the establishment of key performance indicators at the national level, including the proportion of new homes built on previously developed land.
8.4 The Borough Council will publish the results of its monitoring of the performance of the Local Plan, through an annual report.  These reports will, over time, provide the basis for reviewing the Plan.
8.5 Table 1 identifies performance indicators and targets against each of the key objectives set out in paragraph 1.6 of the Local Plan Strategy chapter, together with a list of the relevant policies that may contribute to achieving these objectives. The indicators include Core Output Indicators, as set out by the Government to accompany its good practice guidance on monitoring, together with Local Output Indicators, which relate to those matters not covered by the Core Output Indicators. Table 1 also identifies the progress made and the action to be taken by the Borough Council in developing systems to monitor performance against each indicator, as well as the effects that policies are having in terms of achieving the key objectives.
8.6 Information on some of the indicators and targets is already collected on a regular basis, whilst others will require the development of new monitoring systems. The development of these systems will inevitably lead to the identification of new indicators and key targets, and to the modification and expansion of those included in Table 1.  The annual monitoring reports will advise on progress and identify the need for any revisions to indicators and targets.
8.7 The policies in the Local Plan are worded in such a way to enable them to be easily monitored. If performance targets are not being met, the extent to which individual policies need to be re-examined can then be readily assessed.
Objective Indicator(s) Target Policies Progress Action Policy Effects
Objective 1:
To ensure that development reflects the principles of sustainable development
Core Output Indicator 1c:
Amount of floorspace by employment type, which is on previously developed land
Core Output Indicator 1c:
50% of business and industrial development provided on previously developed land between 2001-2011
LS1, ER1a-e, ER2, ER7, ER10, ER12, H2, H3-H9, H12, TC1, TC3, TC5, TP1, TP5-TP7, TP14, EN1-EN16, EN18, EN23-EN36, LC6 System is in place Ongoing monitoring In 2004-05, 100% of development occurred on previously developed land. (see Appendix 4,Table 1 in the 2004-05 Annual Monitoring Report). However as this is the first year of monitoring land take up by employment type, a trend cannot yet be established

Core Output Indicator 2a:
Housing trajectory showing:

i) net additional dwellings over the previous five year period or since the start of the relevant development plan document period, whichever is the longer;

ii) net additional dwellings for the current year;

iii) projected net additional dwellings up to the end of the relevant development plan document period or over a ten year period from its adoption, whichever is the longer;

iv) the annual net additional dwelling requirement; and

v) annual average number of net additional dwellings needed to meet overall housing requirements, having regard to previous year's performance

Core Output Indicator 2a:
Average of 435 dwellings per annum from 1991-2011
  System is in place Ongoing monitoring Appendix 4, Tables 2 - 5 in the 2004-05 Annual Monitoring Report show the delivery of residential development up to 2005. Delivery has been held back in recent years due to the Local Plan Review process. This will be resolved following adoption. For the period 2011-2016, the methodology as set out in the trajectory takes account of interim projected requirements agreed by the East Midlands Regional Assembly and Government Office for the East Midlands. The projections may be subject to change once RSS8 is finalised
Core Output Indicator 2b:
Percentage of new and converted dwellings on previously developed land
Core Output Indicator 2b:
At least 60% of additional dwellings provided on previously developed land between 2001-2011
  System is in place Ongoing monitoring Appendix 4, Tables 6 & 7 in the 2004-05 Annual Monitoring Report show the percentage of previously developed land brought forward for housing over the period 1991-2005. However, the target covers the period 2001-2011 following publication of guidance in PPG3 in 2000. Table 7 shows development on previously developed land has steadily increased since 2001. Over the last 5 years, the average amount of housing development on previously developed land is 70%

Core Output Indicator 2c:
Percentage of new dwellings at:

i) less than 30 dwellings per hectare

ii) between 30 and 50 dwellings per hectare; and

iii) above 50 dwellings per hectare

Core Output Indicator 2c:
The density of new housing developments to be at a minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare, unless there are constraints to development or where development would lead to an adverse impact on the locality
  System is in place Ongoing monitoring, but need to refine target from 2005-06 Appendix 4, Tables 8 and 9 in the 2004-05 Annual Monitoring Report show densities have increased from 2001. As the backlog of older planning permissions reduce, it is anticipated this trend will continue.
Core Output Indicator 3a:
Amount of completed non-residential development within the UCOs A,B and D complying with car-parking standards set out in the local development framework
Core Output Indicator 3a:
No target set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 3b:
Amount of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP; a hospital; a primary school; a secondary school; areas of employment; and a major retail centre(s).
Core Output Indicator 3b:
No target set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 9:
Renewable energy capacity installed by type.
Core Output Indicator 9:
No target set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Objective 2:
To increase the supply of affordable housing
Core Output Indicator 2d:
Affordable housing completions
Core Output Indicator 2d:
At least 50 additional affordable dwellings per annum provided up to 2011
H10-H11 System is in place Ongoing monitoring Although Table 10 in Appendix 4 of the 2004-05 Annual Monitoring Report shows performance below the target up to 2005, Table 11 shows improved performance is anticipated in future years. This will result from more rigorous implementation of the affordable housing policies
Objective 3:
To reflect the principles of community safety by contributing towards reducing crime, nuisance and disorder and addressing the fear of crime
Local Output Indicator:
Compatibility of new development with the principles of 'Secured by Design'
Local Output Indicator:
All new developments to meet the principles of 'Secured by Design'
LS2, TC9 System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to allow performance to be accurately measured against target Information available indicates the majority of developments are compatible. However, the system does not provide reliable information to enable accurate monitoring against the indicator
Objective 4:
To improve the health of the community by increasing the quality and range of leisure and cultural facilities
Core Output Indicator 4a:
Amount of completed retail, office and leisure development (leisure only for this objective)
Core Output Indicator 4a:
No target set
TP2-TP4, LC1-LC9 LC11-LC14 Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 4c:
Amount of eligible open spaces managed to Green Flag Award standard.
Core Output Indicator 4c:
No target set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Local Output Indicator:
Provision of public open space in conjunction with new housing
Local Output Indicator:
Provision of 56 sq.m. of public open space per dwelling or equivalent, in respect of those housing developments subject to policy LC1
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Objective 5:
To protect and enhance the environment in relation to landscape, biodiversity and built heritage
Core Output Indicator 7:
Number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency on either flood defence grounds or water quality
Core Output Indicator 7:
No planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice
ER2, ER10, ER11, ER13, H7, H9, H12, TC2, TC9, TP4, EN1, EN2, EN5-EN35, LC4, LC6, LC10, LC14 System is in place Ongoing monitoring There were no applications granted contrary to advice in 2004-05

Core Output Indicator 8:
Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance, including:

i) Change in priority habitats and species (by type); and

ii) Change in areas designated for their intrinsic environmental value including sites of international, regional, sub-regional or local significance

Core Output Indicator 8:
95% of SSSIs in favourable or recovering condition (by area) by 2011
  System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 in order to enable additional targets to be set 96.8% of SSSIs in favourable or recovering condition in 2004-05
Local Output Indicator:
Demolition of Listed Buildings
Local Output Indicator:
No listed buildings demolished
  System is in place Ongoing monitoring No listed buildings were demolished in 2004-05
Local Output Indicator:
Loss of significant trees and other important landscape features
Local Output Indicator:
No net loss of significant trees or other landscape features
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Objective 6:
To regenerate the market towns of Alfreton, Belper, Heanor and Ripley
Core Output Indicator 1a:
Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type
Core Output Indicator 1a:
No target set
ER1a-d, ER2-ER9, ER12-ER14, H1, TC1-TC6, TC8, TP9-TP13, EN3, EN25, EN27, EN29, EN34 System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to enable targets to be set Monitored in 2004-05, but targets not yet set
Core Output Indicator 1b:
Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type, in employment or regeneration areas.
Core Output Indicator 1b:
No target set
  System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to enable targets to be set Monitored in 2004-05, but targets not yet set
Core Output Indicator 1d: Employment land available by type Core Indicator 1d:
No target set
  System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to enable targets to be set Monitored in 2004-05, but targets not yet set
Core Output Indicator 1e:
Losses of employment land in (i) employment / regeneration areas and (ii) local authority area
Core Indicator 1e:
No target set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 1f:
Amount of employment land lost to residential development
Core Output Indicator 1f:
Not yet monitored
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 4a:
Amount of completed retail, office and leisure development.
Core Output Indicator 4a:
No targets set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Core Output Indicator 4b:
Amount of completed retail, office and leisure development in town centres
Core Output Indicator 4b:
No targets set
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Local Output Indicator:
The percentage of ground floor units within the town centres that are vacant
Local Output Indicator:
A decrease in the percentage of ground floor units within the town centres that are vacant
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Local Output Indicator:
Pedestrian footfall within the town centres
Local Output Indicator:
An increase in the pedestrian footfall within the town centres
  Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Objective 7:
To ensure that development reflects the principles of good design
Local Output Indicator: Compatibility of development with Design Guidance Notes and other Supplementary Planning Document

Local Output Indicator:
All development proposals to be compatible with relevant Design Guidance Notes and other Supplementary Planning Documents

LS3, ER10, ER11, ER13, H5, H7-H9, H12, TC1-TC6, TC8, TC9, TP4, TP6, TP9-13, EN2-EN3, EN5-EN6, EN7, EN8-EN9, EN11-EN36, LC4, LC6, LC13-LC14 Not yet monitored Monitoring system to be in place from 2005-06 Not yet monitored
Objective 8:
To ensure that development is accessible by all sections of the population, including people with disabilities
Local Output Indicator:
Compatibility of development with aims of the Amber Valley Access Group and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Local Output Indicator:
All applications to be acceptable to the Amber Valley Access Group
LS4, TP1, TP6, TP9-13 System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to allow performance to be accurately measured against target Information available indicates the majority of developments are compatible. However, system does not currently enable accurate monitoring against the Indicator.
Objective 9:
To secure the provision of or financial contributions towards infrastructure and community benefits in conjunction with development
Local Output Indicator:
Provision of infrastructure and community benefits in conjunction with new housing development
Local Output Indicator:
All housing developments on large sites (comprising 10 or more dwellings) coming forward in accordance with policy H1 to provide infrastructure and community benefits.
LS5, ER11, H9-11, TC9, TP3, TP11-13, EN9, EN26, EN31, LC1, LC2, LC12 System is in place Further development of monitoring system from 2005-06 to allow performance to be accurately measured against target. Possible refinement of target Information is available on infrastructure & community benefits coming forward, but system does not currently enable performance to be accurately measured against target
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